The role of PP Sediment Filter element of household water purifier

HID™ PP Sediment Filter has two filtering precisions: 5μm and 1μm, 5μm PP Sediment Filter is usually the first-stage filter element of household water purifier or pure water machine. It mainly removes coarse particles of impurities, sludge, rust, suspended matter, etc in the water. These impurities directly damage the human intestines and stomach, and it also affects the filter effect of the latter three or four levels and the life of the filter element, so the quality of the PP Sediment Filter element is very important for the water purifier. 1μm PP Sediment Filter is usually used in the third stage of the water purifier or not used, it will cause blockage when used in the first stage for the water purifier. PP Sediment Filter principle The material of PP Sediment Filter is polypropylene melt-blown cloth. This material is also used to make dust masks, KN95, and KN90 masks. Its structure is that the outer fiber is thick, the inner fiber is thin, the outer layer is loose, the inner layer is tightly filtered from the outside to the inner layer, and the closer the filter element is, the inner layer is smaller. Conventional household PP Sediment Filter is generally 10 inches, a very small number of 11.3 inches and 20 inches, 20 inches, 30 inches, 40 inches of PP Sediment Filter are usually used in factories to treat water, and there are some small special sizes. So how to judge How good is PP Sediment Filter? 1. See the density PP Sediment Filter generally has a relatively loose outer layer and tight inner layer, forming a multi-layer gradient structure with a gradually tighter diameter (the unique gradient deep filtration forms a three-dimensional filter residue effect, with high porosity, high rejection rate, and large dirt holding capacity, Large flow, low-pressure drop characteristics). Each layer of this multi-layer structure can intercept and store impurities in the water, and when many layers add up, the dirt holding capacity will be large. We can also see from the side of the PP Sediment Filter, the outer layer is clearer one by one, the inner layer is firmer, and the layers are glued together. 2. See if the size is suitable The length of the 10-inch PP Sediment Filter is 254mm, but the size of the inner and outer diameters will be different. The general outer diameter range is 60-65mm, and the inner diameter range is 28-30mm. If the outer diameter is too large, it may not fit in the filter bottle; if the outer diameter is too small, it may cause the unfiltered water to flow directly into the water outlet of the pp cotton. If the inner diameter is too large, many impurities may not be filtered out, and the inner diameter is too small, which may cause the water to flow too slowly. Therefore, when choosing a suitable pp cotton, we must pay attention to whether the inner and outer diameters of the PP cotton are between what we call 60-65mm and 28-30mm. 3. Look at the surface The surface of a good PP Sediment Filter feels very soft and even to the touch, without any foreign or hard feeling. Careful users may find that the surface of the PP Sediment Filter is different, some are smoother, some have many small grooves, and there is also a textured PP Sediment Filter. So is there any difference in the quality of these PP Sediment Filter with different surfaces? Generally speaking, ①PP Sediment Filter with grooves and lines increases the specific surface area and can increase the amount of dirt holding. ②The surface of the groove is easier for impurities to fall off and will not stick to the PP Sediment Filter. To a certain extent, it also increases the service life of the PP Sediment Filter. 4. Look at the weight Regarding the weight of PP Sediment Filter, many people on the Internet say that the heavier the weight, the better. Is it really? After investigation, it is found that 125-130 grams is generally more appropriate, which means that this weight can not only ensure the removal of a large number of impurities in the water but also make the filter element have a relatively long service life. Compared with other weight of PP Sediment Filter, it has a higher cost performance. 5. Look at the hardness Generally, the higher the fiber density of the filter element, the better the hardness and the better the quality of the filter element. Consumers can squeeze the filter element by force. If the filter element is clearly squashed, it indicates that the filter element is not sufficiently rigid and the quality is average. The PP filter element of excellent quality will not be deformed obviously even if it stands on an adult!